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Scalp is the anatomical area boundered by the face, neck and posteriorly. Generally our scalp
has five layers, which can be easily remembered with the mnemonic SCALP
S: The skin
C: Connective tissue.
A: The Aponeurosis (Epicranial Aponeurosis)
L: The Loose Areolar Connective Tissue
P: The Pericranium (The Periosteum of the skull bones)
The Scalp plays the important role in the aesthetics of face; they are the main cause for the male
pattern hair losses. When the scalp becomes irritated or inflamed form an outside irritant is known
as contact dermatitis. There are couple of types of infections that may cause sores on the scalp,
one of them is folliculitis occurred by dirt or by bacteria and another one is Impetigo which is an
infection of the skin.
Scalp Sores and other irritations may occurred due to the Seborrheic dermatitis, it is conditions
where scalp goes unhealthy dry and flaky. Scalp scores are often the end stage of our
scalp problems. Usually, when a person has pimples or bumps on the scalp, that person will
undoubtedly suffer through months and years of extreme chornic scalp itching. These types of
scalp scores often in red, itchy, and flaky and spreads so fast. One among the major ways to
prevent scalp problem is by taking good hygiene foods.
The skin protection is very important task; however it will helps to improve our appearance to the
people whom we meet in our daily life. The glands in our scalp which expel toxins through the
skin are: sebaceous glands and sweat glands. Sweat glands expel toxins that dissolve in water.
This is what we detox in steam bath. Sebaceous glands excrete fatty, greasy toxins. This leads
to the sort of rash you are experiencing. The tip of the nose has a particularly large collection of
sebaceous glands. In general the scalp is usually covered with thick, yellow scales that are often
crusty and difficult to remove.
To keep our scalp healthy we must regularly maintain the balance nature of oil and
moisture levels in the scalp. The oily scalps are easily affected by Seborrhoeic dermatitis. The
moisture level should be maintained in the scalp and it should keep clean removal of the excess
oily surface and newly created bacteria over the scalps will protect against the scalp problems.
The regular use of the shampoos will reduce the oily substance form your scalp which also
causes Seborrhoeic dermatitis. Because the shampoo with cleanser and chemicals which remove
oil from the scalp and hair.